Thursday 2 June 2011

Bizarre moods and eating raw chicken

For a good couple of days now I've been in the world's strangest mood leading to totally not being aware. An example of this is eating raw chicken.. exactly as it sounds. I came home from work with my dinner already on a plate waiting for me to park my arse and watch Geordieshore, before I started eating being the nosy person I am I looked in the fridge to find "Chicken Bites." Having in mind that I once did A level Food Science and Nutrition, they were breaded and looked cooked so I ate one and it took me another half to realise that they weren't cooked. Looking on the cooking instructions it said "cook for 14-16 minutes" so they were definitely not cooked! Having everyone tell me to make myself sick so I didn't get food poisioning, I decided to run the risk of getting food poisoning 'cause really how much harm can a small piece of raw chicken do to you eh? The "FSNer" I am, I proved everyone wrong. I was totally fine. Well until I ate a Bigmac Large meal today then 2 Chunky KitKats which I totally blame feeling sick on that chicken last night definitely.

I've really started to wonder now whether horoscopes are actually true. Apparently 2011 was suppose to be "my year." Bullshit. If this was my year then I'd hate to see a bad year. Dear me. I'm half way through the year and reading my horoscopes religiously I've only just realised they are talking shit. Then again I do believe in the whole whatever start sign you are can say a lot about you. I 100% know about myself that I'm emotional, dramatic and talkative. On Sunday night when I went to Greg Wilson at The Cut, some lass "kindly" stood on my foot in the world's biggest heels, here's me 5ft 4 being totally over the top screaming and pushing this girl off my foot, to turn round with a Rachel laughing hysterically at me being a total drama queen. Really though with the current burise I have to show for it anyone would have been that over the top! And did this 7ft tall girl in heels with todays most common hair do of something that ressembles a beehive apologise? Ok she did, but the word sorry is so overused these days I decided that she didn't mean it as she carried on taking her bloody photo, what was clearly going to be upoloaded on Facebook in a matter of minutes of taking it with a caption that goes something like this "Loving me girlies." I'm complaining of my year so far but really all isn't that bad but it definitely is not "my year" unless I happen to win the lottery or something in the next 6 months, and with my current luck I'll probably get fired from my job and have no money never mind winning the lottery. This year something good has come out of my miserableness, I have met the most amazing people that I know for a fine fact I will love and know forever, I am going to become a nurse as of next March UNCONDITIONALLY (sorry to rub it in), I landed myself a new job, my lovely cousin is going to have a baby (amazing news!), I had a weekend in London, a week in Austria and my travels don't stop there this year. Also to go this year is Turkey, Ibiza, back to London and around Australia. So really with many many shitty moments like that stupid girl standing on my foot, all isn't 100% bad. With always following Rev Run on Twitter and his lovely little quotes (which I swear are taken straight from Girl Dictionary on Twitter) I heard Girl Dictionary also posts simular quotes, so being the person I currently am, I now follow "her." When I came in from work, once I ate my share of raw chicken, browsed through Twitter whilst half watching Geordieshore, to see "she" upated this: "#agoodboyfriend always tells the truth to his woman, never a lie. He knows she should be protected from the rest of the world and not HIM" to my ammusement and only half glancing at the tweet I burst out laughing at the fact HIM looks like HIV. So having the phone at the ready about to text Kent this Tweet, Alix who was sitting next to me obviously confused, I put all my attention into this Tweet to read it out, to then totally ruin it to find out it actually said HIM. However I still obviously then carried on giggling away. 

At the moment I feel like I have far too much spare time on my hands, even though I know I should be busy working! However making decision to talk to Leena on the phone about what hobbies I am going to take up was a bad idea. At the time I was browsing Cath Kidston things on the interne, which made me just feel old after I picked out my new cultery for the house next year which consists of everything flowery as well as chosing  my new stupidly, over prices pillow cases for my new bed. However after everyone went crazy a couple of months ago when I bought a lovely flowery pillow case of a tenner, I think I'll buy a couple this time just to be annoying. I love wasting money, especially on homeware and silly things like designer pillow cases which everyone obviously needs. An essential.  Anyway so my new hobbies are going to be knitting which I will knit Leena a Christmas jumper and make her wear it next year, even if she refuses I'll dress her in her sleep. There's nee getting out of this one. Another hobby is reading, which I am going to read all about where I'm off on my travels. After todays events of looking at places in Ibiza, over dinner table conversation I said that I was going to read up on Australia after talking about Ibiza for a good 10 minutes. But really what is there to read up on Ibiza about? Do my research on what, the states I will see? As I already feel like I have too much time on my hands I have no idea how I am going to feel in a couple of months time, I will be no doubt be pulling my hair out by this stage. Knitting and reading, I am definitely going to have something to talk about on nights out as of now! "Hiya I'm Helen I knit my flat mate Christmas jumpers and I read about nature, as well as eating raw chicken" Maybe I need to find some more or new hobbies to talk about.

Well rumour has it stalkers aren't what they use to be! I wonder if some people's definitions of stalkers are going out in the car and checking out all the "D" 'cause really, that would be even more hilarious. To be honest, after today of watching kids play out of the window then followed by a quote of "I love kids" after talking about MGMT I would class myself as a scary one. Other people believe what they want (however I'm certainly not a stalker or a pedo checking out al the local D) off whoever tells them whatever, but at the end of the day if you're lying about someone stalking you then I'd definitely class them being the one with the issues mind.

Getting back to the Seriousness Of Facebook I totally forgot to mention the funniest status I ever did see months back. Even though it was back in January sometime I still remember it 'cause it was that funny. I remember it was a Tuesday morning (to be precise) and as you (use) to do, update Facebook on your phone to see what's being going on in the world, and when you read a status like this, this is when you know that the world for some has hit a brick wall. I actually read a status saying "Get me back to that Afters" WELL, where to start on that! My first rection was cringe then laugh. This status was followed by comments saying "Aye a na" so really that just says the lot. To be honest that has to be the best, funniest status I have seen in a long while. For the sheer fact, when people read it what do you think? I would rather live in a life that bearly exists? Really though, a lot of people need to open their eyes to the real world other than a fueled weekend. But when will most do it? Not for a very long time I gather.

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